Water Intrusion in Basement
Here was one of the areas where there was a significant amount of water getting into the basement. This much water is definitely an issue that needed to be addressed in order to prevent damage to items stored in the basement and preventing mold from growing.

Stair Step Crack Coming From Basement Window
This was something that our Design Specialist noticed during his inspection and was one of the reasons he told the homeowner about the severity of the situation. This was a pretty severe crack and our Specialist knew that this had to be taken care of before it got any worse.

Installed Wall Anchor
Here is one side of one of the wall anchors that were installed. Each wall anchor has two plate, one plate is in the inside of the basement and one is installed in the ground several feet away from the wall. The anchors are able to get a good hold in the soil, so that when the inside anchor is tightened the wall more straightened and stabilized.

Bowed Walls and Several Wall Anchors
This gives a pretty good look at one of the walls that had some significant bowing. Just above the push piers is where the bowing is most prominent and you can actually see how the bottom two-thirds of the wall are bowing inwards.

Another Angle of the Installed Wall Anchors
This angle gives another pretty good look at the wall that our Specialist noticed was bowing out and the wall anchors that were installed to correct the bowing. There were a total of 14 wall anchors installed in this basement.

Wall Anchors and Trench for WaterGuard
This last photo shows off the majority of the wall anchors that were installed. The trench for the WaterGuard can also be seen along the perimeter of the wall. WaterGuard is a drain that goes in the floor, rather than on top of it to catch the water.