Seperation of Foundation Wall
Here is one of the main reasons why this customer wanted to have our company come out and see if we would be able to help him out. This was a pretty significant separation of this piece of foundation. Fortunately our Systems Design Specialist knew a great way to help keep this wall contained.

Pointing to Problem Areas
Here is one of our crew members showing where another problem area was in the home. It is very difficult to see in this photo, but there was more cracking in the top right hand corner of this wall. This is where the wall started and it went all the way down the driveway, which can be seen in later pictures.

Leaning Retaining Wall
Here is the wall that was in question and needed the support using wall anchors. While some of the tilting may be caused from the angle, there was quite a bit of lean in this wall. This is definitely not something that you want to see in your own home. Fortunately, our wall anchors were able to do a great job in pulling the wall back towards a normal position.

Installed Wall Anchors
Here is a view of several of the installed wall anchors along this wall. The wall anchors are spread equidistant along the problematic wall. This is done so that the weight and pressure is spread throughout each anchor, so that the entire system is strong and more efficient.

Tightening of Wall Anchors
Here is one of our crew members working on tightening one of the ten anchors that were installed along this wall. Once the wall anchors are installed, each one is slowly tightened until it won't budge any further. This process is repeated for each wall anchor until none of the wall anchors can be tightened any further.

Another View of Installed Wall Anchors
This picture gives another view of all of the installed wall anchors along this wall. Future pictures will explain how these work, but essentially these plates are connected to another plate several feet away from it that is buried in the ground. The other plate provides enough support that the system can be tightened, which corrects the wall.

In-Ground Wall Anchor Plate
This is the other plate that was mentioned in the last picture. This Geo-Lock wall anchor is specifically designed to spread out and grip onto the earth around it. This is important because if the right product and tools are not used, the anchor plate could fail, which of course would not be ideal. This is why we use the highest quality products that are available to us.

Another Geo-Lock Anchor Plate
While the last photo was of an anchor plate that was installed in the garage floor, this plate was actually in the driveway of the home. This is a much easier and less invasive place to install the Wall Anchor plates, because the crew does not have to cut through the concrete. Most wall anchor jobs that we work on involve digging in a yard, so there is usually not much disturbed as far as concrete.

Covered Wall Anchor Plates
As mentioned in the previous picture there were a few wall anchor plates that had to be installed in the garage area. Once the wall anchors were installed and covered back up with dirt, concrete was poured, so that the garage could go back to normal!