Support Base
This shows the base of the previous supports for this structure. Obviously not the most sturdy or safe option to hold up the structure.

Close Up of Support Base
This is another one of the support bases, but a little closer. The most dangerous part about using wood as a support, especially in this area was the moisture. While the actual support beam does not seem to have much moisture damage, the wood that it is on definitely does have a lot of moisture damage.

Top of "Support Beam"
This is the top of the support beam that was later replaced with a SmartJack, which is a much safer and stronger option than this wood.

SantaFe Edge II Dehumidifier
This is the dehumidifier that was installed in this crawlspace. While the CleanSpace does a great job of keeping moisture from getting into the crawlspace, the dehumidifier is the backup. It takes out any water in the air and drains it to the sump pump that was also installed.

Installed CleanSpace and SmartJacks
Here is an installed SmartJack and the installed CleanSpace. You can see how much cleaner and better the crawlspace area looks. You can also see that the SmartJack provides a much better and sturdier support "beam".

Installed CleanSpace Liner
Here you can see the installed CleanSpace again. As you can see, our installers try to make the CleanSpace fit as tight as they can to the floors and walls. This keeps the liner from being easily ripped or pulled off the wall.

Cleanspace Liner and Two SmartJacks
Another view of the SmartJacks in the crawlspace. These SmartJacks help correct sagging floors and can hold up to 60,000 pounds each.

Finished CleanSpace Installation with SmartJacks
This is a great wide shot of the whole encapsulated crawlspace.