Basement During Initial Visit
This is what the basement looked like when our Systems Design Specialist first visited this home. It was not in the worst shape, but it definitely needed some work to be done. You will be able to see the transformation of this area later on in the album.

Installed TrenchDrain
Here is a photo of the TrenchDrain that was installed in the basement of this home. This drain ties into the same WaterGuard drain that will be shown in later pictures, however it is much more open. This is installed near doorways because they are much more susceptible for water entry. So having the more open drain allows for a larger volume of water to be taken in.

Installed WaterGuard in the Basement
Here is the same area that was shown in the first photo, but with the WaterGuard installed. You may be wondering where the WaterGuard is, because this looks almost the exact same, but with new concrete around the perimeter of the room. The WaterGuard is intstalled in the floor. This is less intrusive, and allows water to flow directly into the drain.

SuperSump Pump System
Here is one of the sump pumps that were installed in this home. This one was just for the basement drainage, which is taken care of by the WaterGuard. The WaterGuard is pitched (angled) in such a way that the water all flows down to the lowest point, which in this case is the SuperSump pump. The water is then pumped out and away from the home.

On to the Crawlspace!
Here is a photo of the installed CleanSpace and dehumidifier in the crawlspace of this home. CleanSpace is a great product that does a great job of keeping water and moisture from getting into the crawlspace. The dehumidifier does a good job of "cleaning up" any moisture that does make its way into the air.

CleanSpace Liner in Crawlspace
Here is another photo of the installed CleanSpace. As you can see, it covers the entirety of the crawlspace's ground, as well as going up the columns at least a foot. This is so that no moisture can get through the CleanSpace around the bottom of the columns.

One Last View of the Encapsulated Crawlspace
I've always said that there are never enough pictures of CleanSpace! It really transforms the look of a crawlspace both physically and functionally. It helps to brighten up the area, but more importantly it does an incredible job at not letting moisture or water through! This helps to prevent mold and mildew in the CrawlSpace.