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Products & Services
Mold Services
Mold Remediation
Dust Mites Control
Mold Spores
Mold Removal And Cleanup
Dry Rot & Brown Rot

Basement Repair Services & Products
WaterGuard Interior System
DryTrak Drainage Channel
TrenchDrain Drain Grate
IceGuard Discharge Line
FlexiSpan Wall Crack Repair
Polyurethane Crack Sealing
WellDuct Window Drainage
BrightWall Waterproof Panels
ThermalDry Wall Barrier
Basement To Beautiful Pre-finishing Wall Insulation Panels
Drain Tile Installation
SuperSump Pump System
TripleSafe Pumping System
UltraSump Battery Back Up
Sanidry Dehumidifier

Crawl Space Repair Services & Products
CleanSpace Encapsulation Vapor Barriers And Liners
Turtl Access Hatch
EverLast Crawl Space Doors
Sanidry Csb Dehumidifier
SmartDrain Water Drainage
SilverGlo Wall Insulation
TerraBlock Floor Insulation
SmartSump Sump Pump
Crawl-o-Sphere Crawl Space Fan
WallCap Block Wall Sealer
SmartVent Flood Vents

Foundation Repair Services & Products
Push Pier Underpinning For Settlement, Foundation Leveling, Sinking Foundation Repair
Geo-lock Wall Anchors
Geo-lock Helical Anchors
PowerBrace Bowed Wall Repair
CarbonArmor Fiber Wall Repair
SmartJack Crawl Space Support
Slab Pier Repair
PolyLevel Concrete Lifting
EZ Post Deck Repair
Shotcrete Wall Restoration

Before and After Pictures from Buncombe County
EverLast Door Makes Major Changes in Asheville, NC

EverLast Door Makes Major Changes in Asheville, NC

Before After
EverLast Door Makes Major Changes in Asheville, NC EverLast Door Makes Major Changes in Asheville, NC

Any air from the outside can ruin the humidity within the inside of your crawlspace. Once the air mixes, the perfect temperature you’ve strived to maintain slips away. And, just having a door to a crawlspace does nothing. Anyone can have a door. In fact, most crawlspaces do have them, but many of them are made out of wood and are not properly sealed. Air, as you know, can slip in through any skinny opening without much trouble at all. That’s where we come into play.

The original crawlspace door was much like the ones I described above. It was wooden, held closed only with a small strap. For short term use, it was fine. However, these doors are not something you should get used to having.  Wooden doors have a tough job being so close to the ground. They warp, rot, and are impossible to keep painted. With the warping and the rotting, the door changes shape. It no longer correctly seals the crawlspace at all (if it ever did).

That’s not the case with our EverLast door. It’s ½ inch thick, solid plastic, so it will never rot or need paint. It has a weatherseal, so it doesn’t allow even a small gust of air into the crawlspace.

Asheville, NC Homeowner Welcomes CleanSpace

Asheville, NC Homeowner Welcomes CleanSpace

Before After
Asheville, NC Homeowner Welcomes CleanSpace Asheville, NC Homeowner Welcomes CleanSpace

This customer in Asheville, North Carolina—like many others before her—has a dirt crawlspace. And—like many before her—she has been having moisture issues in that very same crawlspace. Even with gravel covering the dirt, there is still no relief. The gravel can’t stop the water vapor from rising from the soil and into the space. Not to mention, the homeowners had cement block walls. Those blocks are extremely porous, so they allow water to pass through them whether there is a huge downpour or a small sprinkle. It’s a fact. Luckily, this homeowner decided to give us a call.

We were able to come out and install our CleanSpace liner in the moisture ridden crawlspace. It’s a real show stopper. It acts as a barrier, separating your home and the earth below it. Its 20 mils thick, reinforced with polyester cords. It’s nearly impossible to rip or tear. But, the best part is that it brightens any dreary crawlspace.

Crawlspace in Asheville, NC Has Solution for Chronic Flooding

Crawlspace in Asheville, NC Has Solution for Chronic Flooding

Before After
Crawlspace in Asheville, NC Has Solution for Chronic Flooding Crawlspace in Asheville, NC Has Solution for Chronic Flooding

Water issues are not something we are unfamiliar with. We at All-Dry of the Carolinas tend to handle all sorts of problems. Water Issues are the most common, but also tend to be the most troublesome, if you ignore them for long periods.

Look at the “before” photo on display here. This crawlspace has several issues as we can see. The first is that it has a dirt crawlspace. That’s the more obvious problem. The second is the water stains that paint the block walls. The homeowners reported that the reason they contacted us is because they were having flooding issues. Judging by the state of this crawlspace, the owners were not exaggerating. This Asheville, North Carolina crawlspace needed a solution and fast.

In our “after” photo, we have installed our patented solution. Our patented CleanSpace liner covers the dirt floor as well as the walls. Any water that leaks through the walls is halted by the liner. Water vapor that rises from the dirt is prevented from going any further by this liner as well.

We expect to see no more water damage in this crawlspace with the new liner in place.

Company Awards
Special Accreditation Recognition Award
This award honors our work of enhancing and maintaing an ethical marketplace as well as our support of the BBB... [Read more]
Small Business of the Quarter Award
This award was presented to All-Dry of the Carolinas by the Laurens County Chamber of Commerce for the First Quarter... [Read more]
Angie's List Super Service Award 2015
Angie's List Super Service Award 2015 winners have met strict eligibility requirements, which include an “A” rating in overall grade,... [Read more]
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Testimonials From Buncombe County
I called in a panic and was treated so kindly, with genuine concern and caring. You will receive a high...
Testimonial by Jean and Jack G. from Asheville, NC
This job went without a problem. I am so happy with the outcome
Testimonial by Sandra G. from Asheville, NC
We would definitely recommend you to everyone.
Testimonial by Sue D. from Ashe, NC

Buncombe County, NC Foundation Repair & Crawl Space Waterproofing

 The crew was very nice and hard working....

Buncombe County, NC's Trusted Waterproofing & Foundation Repair Company

If your home is facing issues such as a settling foundation, wet basement, or damp and moldy crawl space, then you've come to the right place.

For over 30 years All-Dry of the Carolinas has been solving basement, crawl space and foundation issues for homeowners throughout Buncombe County,NC and the surrounding area.

You can rest easy knowing that we adhere to the highest industry standards paired with a proven history of providing unmatched solutions for residential and commercial property owners alike.

All of our crews are highly trained to use a variety of products and identify the issues that are hampering the health of your home. Above all else, our goal is to build long term relationships with our clients and leave you feeling completely satisfied.

We are a proud member of Upstate South Carolina Better Business Bureau and Western North Carolina Better Business Bureau, and a five-time winner of the Gold Star Award. 

If you're interested in any of our services, contact us today for a free, no obligation estimate! 

Basement Waterproofing & Crawl Space Repair Experts 

If you are looking for a permanent solution for your wet basement or damp crawl space we can help! We can show you how to keep your Buncombe County basement dry and your humidity in control, protecting your home from water damage, mold and rot. 

Our installation crews work with innovative Basement Systems® products, which have a nationwide track record of keeping basements dry for over 20 years. Our systems include high quality sump pumps and new french drain systems for your home - we also offer a full line of other products to help you upgrade your space. No matter the problem your basement is facing - we have the solution! 

We Provide:
  • Basement Waterproofing
  • Crawl Space Encapsulation
  • Leak Repairs
  • Exclusive, Patented Products
  • World's Best Sump Pumps
  • Energy-Efficient Dehumidifier             
You Receive:
  • Permanently Dry Basement or Crawl Space
  • Controlled Humidity
  • Mold Mitigation
  • Lifetime Transferable Warranty
  • Greater Home Value
  • Peace of Mind

High Quality Foundation Repair Services in Buncombe County, NC

If your home is facing foundation issues, our team of in-house repair experts have the solution. While a foundation problem may seem extreme, our team can help you identify the issue before it advances and becomes too costly. As a member of the Foundation Supportworks, Inc., our company has access to a variety of innovative products that have been carefully designed, tested, and patented by the FSI's in-house structural and geotechnical engineers.

From wall anchors and I-beam braces to Slab Piers and Crawl Space Jack Posts, we can handle any issue and provide you with an accurate diagnosis and path for repair. 

Foundation Solutions for:
  • Bowing Walls
  • Uneven Floors
  • Wall Cracks
  • Settling Foundation
  • Doors that Won't Close         
Concrete Solutions for:
  • Sinking Concrete
  • Tilting Patios
  • Concrete Slab Cracking
  • Poor Mudjacking Work
  • Washed Out Soil
Case Studies From Buncombe County
As summer starts in the south one thing is true, it is going to be humid. The south is known for the heat and humidity that makes everyone feel as if...
Job Stories From Buncombe County, NC
Wall Anchors Save Garage in Ashevile, NC

This customer in Asheville noticed there were some issues with his garage. You can see the bowing and cracks in the wall in the picture. Yikes! This was a problem that could have gotten much worse and could significantly decrease the value of his home.

Our crew installed 14 Wall Anchors to correct this problem. How do these anchors work? The system  consists of an interior wall plate, an exterior soil anchor and a connecting steel rod to stabilize foundation walls by counteracting pressure exerted against the wall.

The only alternative to fix this issue would have been to completely remove and rebuild the garage walls. What a hassle that would have been! If you notice cracks, bowing, or leaning walls, be sure to give All-Dry of the Carolinas a call for a free estimate!

Wall Anchors Save Garage in Ashevile, NC - Photo 1
Basement Drainage System in Asheville, NC

This job was not anything out of the ordinary for All-Dry of the Carolinas. This business had a problem with standing water due to a faulty drainage system. Water was entering the building, but had no way to get out, which was causing problems and could have gotten much worse had they not called sooner.

In order to remedy their problem, we opted to install CleanSpace wall and a WaterGuard drainage system. These two products together, are a great tool to keep water from staying in your home or business. Any water that does make its way into the basement will be directed to the WaterGuard (which is similar to a drainage pipe), from there the water is taken to a sump pump, where it is deposited outside the building.

The pictures show a few different things. In the first picture, you can see how the water had been flowing through the basement, but with nowhere to go, it sat there and dried up and soaked into concrete. The second photo shows what the WaterGuard looks like when installed. The third picture is the final product. Our crew mixes concrete and puts it down over the WaterGuard to make it as seamless as possible.

Basement Drainage System in Asheville, NC - Photo 1Basement Drainage System in Asheville, NC - Photo 2Basement Drainage System in Asheville, NC - Photo 3
Wet Crawl Space Saved by Vapor Barrier in Asheville, NC

This Asheville home had some major problems in their crawlspace, mainly being caused by water under their home. This is never a good sign in a crawlspace, however, it is the water vapor that really causes damage in a crawlspace. In order to help this homeowner, our Specialist determined that a CleanSpace liner, along with a few other products would greatly help this customer.

While the CleanSpace liner is a great product, there are usually a few other products we like to install along with it, to make sure your crawlspace is not only properly protected, but also can be drained and the air stays dry enough to prevent mold growth. We did this with this project in particular using drainage matting, a SantaFe Dehumidifier, as well as a SuperSump Sump pump. The drainage matting goes under the CleanSpace Liner, and helps to move water along under the liner, to the sump pump. The SuperSump is a pump that collects any water that has drained to it under the liner. The last product we installed was our SantaFe Dehumidifier. This dehumidifier takes any moisture in the air and essentially sucks it out, and drains it to the sump pump.

We love to make our customer's lives easier. We truly believe that by installing these products in customer's homes, we are making their lives easier and less stressful. If this homeowner would have pushed this issue to the side, they could have had tens of thousands of dollars in structural repairs. There are so many benefits to having our products installed, whether you are having a lot of issues or none at all! CleanSpace can help solve humidity and mold problems under your home, or just save you some money on heating and cooling costs all year round! We hope that everyone in Asheville, NC will call us to help solve their basement, crawlspace, or foundation problems!

Wet Crawl Space Saved by Vapor Barrier in Asheville, NC - Photo 1Wet Crawl Space Saved by Vapor Barrier in Asheville, NC - Photo 2Wet Crawl Space Saved by Vapor Barrier in Asheville, NC - Photo 3
Foundation Repair on Bowing Walls in Asheville, NC

This Asheville homeowner needed some work done on their basement when they noticed their walls started to crack and bow. They decided that we could provide the best service and were very happy with our work!

Our Service Design Specialist initially wanted to install nine wall anchors in the basement in order to keep these walls from cracking and eventually collapsing. These wall anchors are essentially a pair of large metal plates with a threaded rod that holds them together. One plate is put onto the wall of the basement, while the other is placed in the ground several feet away from the home. The rod is then placed between the two and tightened. This tension helps to straighten the wall and prevent even further bowing.

While the wall anchors were definitely a necessity, our specialist also recommended one of our basement waterproofing products, WaterGuard. This product is installed around the perimeter of the basement and has drains throughout. These drains collect any water that makes its way into the basement and drains it to a sump pump, in this customer's case, a SuperSump. It is very important to have a drainage system in a basement, because water can get into a basement relatively easy, especially during heavy rains or floods.

Foundation Repair on Bowing Walls in Asheville, NC - Photo 1Foundation Repair on Bowing Walls in Asheville, NC - Photo 2Foundation Repair on Bowing Walls in Asheville, NC - Photo 3
Bowing Walls Foundation Repair with CarbonArmor Fabric in Candler, NC

This homeowner in Candler began to worry when she noticed cracks and bowing in her basement walls. You can see the cracks in the first picture, as well as bowing in the second picture. She knew something needed to be done and called All-Dry of the Carolinas before any more damage could be done to her home. Upon initial inspection, there were a few different options that could have been done in this home, but eventually, she settled on having CarbonArmor Fabric installed, 24 strips in total.

These CarbonArmor strips are extremely strong and while they don't really have the ability to pull a wall back in place, they can keep the walls from bowing any further. Carbon fiber is an extremely strong material, 10 times as strong as steel.  The reason CarbonArmor is such a great product and blows a lot of the other methods out of the water is because of the material. The carbon fiber is also very light and pliable. This makes it easier to lay the strips on the wall and get a good seal.

This homeowner never has to worry about continued damage to their basement walls. These strips will hold the wall back and keep it in position for years and years to come.

Bowing Walls Foundation Repair with CarbonArmor Fabric in Candler, NC - Photo 1Bowing Walls Foundation Repair with CarbonArmor Fabric in Candler, NC - Photo 2Bowing Walls Foundation Repair with CarbonArmor Fabric in Candler, NC - Photo 3
Crawlspace Encapsulation in Arden, NC

This crawlspace was in the condition that many of the homes we visit are in, damp and unfortunately moldy. Many times the homeowner is able to catch the problem before it gets too out of hand (usually meaning mold hasn't begun to grow yet), but this homeowner in Arden wasn't able to. Fortunately, we have seen much worse than what was in their crawlspace, and we have a great product that takes the mold right off, Mold-X.

In order to make this crawlspace and the home as a whole healthier, we had to do a lot of work and install several products. Our crew started off with the drain mat and the CleanSpace. The drain mat is almost exactly what it sounds like, it is a soft "mat" that is laid on the ground below the CleanSpace. Its main purpose is to help move and drain the water, but it also serves as a cushion when crawling. The CleanSpace comes next and is rolled out over the drain mat. The liner is laid out flat and pretty tight against the ground and walls. This is for a few reasons, for one it helps the water to drain better, but having it tight against the floors and walls prevents it from being torn or pulled down easily.

The next two products help to keep the mold and/or moisture out of the crawlspace. First, the crew applies the Mold-X throughout the crawlspace on the floor joists. This coating first off, kills any mold that is on the floor joists, and second, it helps to prevent mold from coming back again. The other product that we installed was a dehumidifier. Dehumidifiers are meant to keep the relative humidity level of the crawlspace down below 55% because anything higher and mold has the chance to grow.

We are so glad that we were able to transform this homeowner's wet, moldy crawlspace into a clean, new healthy crawlspace. If you think you could benefit from our services, please give us a call or contact us online!

Crawlspace  Encapsulation in Arden, NC - Photo 1Crawlspace  Encapsulation in Arden, NC - Photo 2Crawlspace  Encapsulation in Arden, NC - Photo 3
CleanSpace Installed in Asheville, NC Crawlspace Area

This homeowner called into the office after looking around on our website, and saw that the systems that we installed would be almost perfect for the problems that they were having. They used their crawlspace as more of a storage area, but they began to notice a strange smell, which worried them. After finding out that this could be mold, the homeowner began his research.

Our Systems Design Specialist went to check out this home, and he found that the relative humidity level was higher than it should have been, which means that mold could grow in the crawlspace. This is not something that the homeowner wanted, especially since they used this as a storage area. The proposed solution for this crawlspace was pretty significant, and included installing CleanSpace, drainage matting, a SmartSump, as well as a dehumidifier.

The installation crew started with the digging, which included a perimeter where the 3 inch drain tile would be installed, as well as a hole for the SmartSump to be put in. These products were both installed, and then the crew went on to install the drainage matting, which helps facilitate drainage to the sump pump. After that, they were finally able to get to the CleanSpace, which completely covered the crawlspace floor and walls. This crawlspace was then ready for the dehumidifier to be installed, which helps to keep the relative humidity level of the crawlspace down, which is very important to halt mold growth.

If you're in the Western North Carolina area and seem to be having similar problems as this homeowner, please contact us! You can either fill out a contact form on our website or give us a call at 1-864-984-2308!

CleanSpace Installed in Asheville, NC Crawlspace Area - Photo 1CleanSpace Installed in Asheville, NC Crawlspace Area - Photo 2CleanSpace Installed in Asheville, NC Crawlspace Area - Photo 3CleanSpace Installed in Asheville, NC Crawlspace Area - Photo 4
Previously Flooded in Barnardsville, NC Gets WaterGuard Drainage System Installed

This homeowner had some previous experience with their basement flooding, and was going through a restoration of the basement when they called us. They wanted to make sure that they had a solution to keep the water out before they redid the basement again. We were able to send out a Systems Design Specialist to the home to figure out what the best solution to this problem was.

This was a similar solution to other basements, but on a larger scale, because it included most of the perimeter of the basement, instead of just certain "problem" areas.  The solution that our Specialist came up with was mainly WaterGuard drain with a SuperSump to move the water out of the basement. While it probably doesn't seem like much, these two products work extremely well together to keep the water out.

As always, the crew had to start out by digging and removing the concrete from the basement. This was done around the perimeter of the basement, and then the sump pump needed an area that was dug out as well. The rest is pretty simple, the SuperSump Pump system is put in its hole, and the WaterGuard is then put in, and attached to each other. The final step is to seal it all up with concrete. The crew mixes up some concrete, then lays it over the WaterGuard, so that it looks like there is nothing there.

Previously Flooded in Barnardsville, NC Gets WaterGuard Drainage System Installed - Photo 1Previously Flooded in Barnardsville, NC Gets WaterGuard Drainage System Installed - Photo 2Previously Flooded in Barnardsville, NC Gets WaterGuard Drainage System Installed - Photo 3Previously Flooded in Barnardsville, NC Gets WaterGuard Drainage System Installed - Photo 4
Water Intrusion in Alexander, NC Basement Leads to WaterGuard Drain Installation

Water intrusion in basements is something that we see and fix almost every week here at All-Dry of the Carolinas. While some basements are in worse shape than others, this is always a very important issue to be aware of and take care of when you find it. This particular home was dealing with water seeping through around the base of their basement walls bringing dirt/clay along with it.

This went on a little longer then it should have, but the homeowner was still able to catch the problem before it got too far out of hand. The water intrusion was very obvious, as you can see from the dirt/clay on the floor, which had been brought in from the water seeping through. The homeowner was concerned about the water because he believed that mold was beginning to grow, so he called us to come check out the area and figure out the best solution.

Fortunately, our Systems Design Specialist did not find any mold in the basement, but did tell the homeowner that there needed to be drainage. His proposal included WaterGuard drain, a SuperSump Pump System, and an upright dehumidifier. All of which work together perfectly in order to provide a water and moisture-free basement!

The WaterGuard is installed along the wall to catch any incoming water, and drains it to the lowest point in the basement, which is always where the sump pump is located. The SuperSump then pumps the water out and away from the home. Last, but not least, was the dehumidifier that we installed. This was a larger, upright dehumidifier which helps keep the moisture out of the air, so mold will not grow.

If you're in the Alexander, NC area or surrounding areas and believe you may need waterproofing in your basement and/or crawlspace, please contact us today! You can fill out a customer contact form here  or call us at 1-864-984-2308!

Water Intrusion in Alexander, NC Basement Leads to WaterGuard Drain Installation - Photo 1Water Intrusion in Alexander, NC Basement Leads to WaterGuard Drain Installation - Photo 2Water Intrusion in Alexander, NC Basement Leads to WaterGuard Drain Installation - Photo 3
Small and Damp Crawlspace in Weaverville, NC Gets CleanSpace Encapsulation

This homeowner gave us a call when they started to notice a strange smell and mold beginning to grow on the floor joists in this crawlspace. These are both extremely common signs of an increased moisture level, and is something that should be taken care of sooner, rather than later. We sent out one of our Systems Design Specialists out to the home to figure out the best solution for this homeowner.

Fortunately our Systems Design Specialist was able to propose a solution that would solve the issues that this homeowner was having. It consisted of our CleanSpace liner, SilverGlo Insulation, an EverLast Door, and a dehumidifier to ensure that the humidity level of the crawlspace is low enough to prevent mold growth. The Specialist was able to provide this proposal to the homeowner at the end of their free estimate!

The homeowner decided to go ahead and have the system installed, so our crew went to work soon after! The crawlspace had been cleaned out before the crew arrived, so they were able to start the installation pretty quickly. They started by installing the CleanSpace and the SilverGlo around the walls. Once this was done they finished by laying CleanSpace on the floor and making sure that everything was secured and sealed properly. After this, the rest of the installation was a cakewalk, the crew had to properly install the EverLast door, which creates an airtight seal, and installed the dehumidifier.

If you're in the Weaverville, North Carolina area and are having any basement or crawlspace waterproofing issues, or foundation problems, please contact us today! You can either fill out a Free Estimate form or call us at 1-864-984-2308! We look forward to hearing from you!

Small and Damp Crawlspace in Weaverville, NC Gets CleanSpace Encapsulation - Photo 1Small and Damp Crawlspace in Weaverville, NC Gets CleanSpace Encapsulation - Photo 2Small and Damp Crawlspace in Weaverville, NC Gets CleanSpace Encapsulation - Photo 3
Leaking Basement in Leicester, NC Gets WaterGuard Drain System Installed

This homeowner was getting a lot of water in their basement, and on a pretty consistent basis unfortunately. The amount of water was enough that in order to help alleviate the problem they constantly had towels to help soak up the water. While this did help to keep some of the water from just sitting on the ground and soaking into the concrete, it is most definitely not a long term solution. 

The homeowner called us in order for us to give them a long-term solution to this problem that they were facing. Our System Design Specialist went out to the home and assessed the entire area to see exactly where the water was coming from and what the best way to fix the problem would be. This entire inspection process takes usually an hour to an hour and a half because the Specialist is extremely detailed in their inspection, presentation, and recommendation to each homeowner. For this particular homeowner, the Specialist recommended WaterGuard Drain, a SuperSump pump system, as well as a LawnScape outlet and IceGuard.

The last step of the process is for the crew to come out and actually install the system. The crew must start by removing part of the concrete where the WaterGuard and sump pump must be installed. After this is taken care of, the crew installs the products and begins to mix concrete in order to cover up the WaterGuard and area around the SuperSump. The last thing that the crew does is to test the system to make sure it is working properly.

If you're in the Leicester, North Carolina area are are having any waterproofing or foundation issues, please contact us today! You can do this by either calling us at 1-864-984-2308 or filling out a contact form

Leaking Basement in Leicester, NC Gets WaterGuard Drain System Installed - Photo 1Leaking Basement in Leicester, NC Gets WaterGuard Drain System Installed - Photo 2Leaking Basement in Leicester, NC Gets WaterGuard Drain System Installed - Photo 3Leaking Basement in Leicester, NC Gets WaterGuard Drain System Installed - Photo 4
Mold Throughout Asheville, NC Crawlspace Leads to CleanSpace Encapsulation

Mold in the crawlspace of a home can be extremely unsettling for many homeowners because it can cause health problems especially for children and older adults. Mold is usually caused by too much moisture in the area, whether it be a crawlspace or basement. There are many different ways that water can get into crawlspaces but the most common are from the ground and also from water soaking through the walls of the crawlspace. 

This crawlspace was full of moisture and mold, which led the homeowners to inquire about a solution to this unfortunate problem. They weren't aware of the issue until they noticed a large puddle of standing water in one of the corners of the crawlspace. We had one of our System Design Specialists head out to the home to figure out what best would take care of the problems that this home was experiencing. Our Specialist figured out what the best option for the homeowner and suggested the homeowner go with a full CleanSpace encapsulation. 

The crew did an excellent job with the installation of this system. They started out by digging out an area for the TripleSafe Liner (with the alarm) to be installed in. This liner had an alarm in it that runs from the crawlspace up into the home so that if there happen to be any leaks, the homeowner can be notified. The crew also had to remove all of the insulation under the home because it was completely soaked in water and had mold growing on it. After this was done, the crew went on to seal up the crawlspace with our CleanSpace liner, which helps to separate the crawlspace from the earth. This is the most important part of the installation because the crew has to make sure it is properly sealed. Last but not least came the SaniDry Sedona dehumidifier. While the CleanSpace does a great job of keeping moisture out of the crawlspace, the Sedona is there to make sure that any moisture that does make it into the crawlspace is quickly taken out of the air! 

If you're in Asheville, North Carolina or the surrounding area and are having similar problems as this homeowner or issues with your basement, please contact us today! You can do this by either filling out a customer contact form here or by giving us a call at 864-9984-2308. 

Mold Throughout Asheville, NC Crawlspace Leads to CleanSpace Encapsulation - Photo 1Mold Throughout Asheville, NC Crawlspace Leads to CleanSpace Encapsulation - Photo 2Mold Throughout Asheville, NC Crawlspace Leads to CleanSpace Encapsulation - Photo 3Mold Throughout Asheville, NC Crawlspace Leads to CleanSpace Encapsulation - Photo 4
Cracking Walls in a Wet Asheville, NC Basement Leads to Installation of Both CarbonArmor Straps and WaterGuard Drain

Many people may not realize just how serious water intrusion, high humidity levels, and foundation issues can be. Homeowners often know of a problem for several months, sometimes even years before they have the area looked at. The biggest problem with this is that with the issues that we help take care of usually will get significantly worse with time. 

The owner's of this particular home didn't immediately notice anything wrong with their basement, but over time the problems became more and more noticeable. They looked around to see who could help them out and ended up calling All-Dry of the Carolinas to come to take a look at the home. Our System Design Specialist noticed two main issues in his inspection; water intrusion through the walls and some cracking in the wall. In order to solve these issues, our Specialist suggested having CarbonArmor Straps to address the wall cracking and a WaterGuard drainage system to take care of the water getting in through the walls. 

The homeowner thought these would both be great solutions to the problems that their basement had and wanted to get the work done as soon as possible. We were able to get a crew out to the home and begin the installation. The crew started first by installing the CarbonArmor straps on the wall. They help to stabilize and prevent the wall from bowing any further. After that was taken care of, the crew moved on to removing the concrete floor nearest to the wall to be able to install the WaterGuard drain. The crew mixed new concrete to cover up the WaterGuard and this homeowner no longer needed to worry about foundation or water intrusion issues in their basement!

Cracking Walls in a Wet Asheville, NC Basement Leads to Installation of Both CarbonArmor Straps and WaterGuard Drain - Photo 1Cracking Walls in a Wet Asheville, NC Basement Leads to Installation of Both CarbonArmor Straps and WaterGuard Drain - Photo 2Cracking Walls in a Wet Asheville, NC Basement Leads to Installation of Both CarbonArmor Straps and WaterGuard Drain - Photo 3Cracking Walls in a Wet Asheville, NC Basement Leads to Installation of Both CarbonArmor Straps and WaterGuard Drain - Photo 4
Arden, NC Gets Full Encapsulation

This home had a huge influx of water creeping into the crawlspace. As pictured here, there were several spots in the crawlspace that had large, dirty puddles of water resting on the original plastic liner. Whoever originally did the job, either didn't seal it efficiently, or they didn't install the neccessary products to keep the water at bay.

But our installers put in CleanSpace, a 20mils thick plastic liner reinforced with polyester cords, and CleanSpace Wall in the entire crawlspace, and you can see the difference. Our company uses a variety of methods to seal the material, but all methods keep the water from leaking onto the CleanSpace surface.

There's nothing like a full encapsulation to transform a crawlspace.

Arden, NC Gets Full Encapsulation - Photo 1Arden, NC Gets Full Encapsulation - Photo 2Arden, NC Gets Full Encapsulation - Photo 3
Asheville, NC Basement Requires WaterGuard, SuperSump Plus and CarbonArmor

This home in Asheville, NC was experiencing major water issues in its basement. The homeowners, not sure of where it was coming from, decided to give the experts at All-Dry of the Carolinas a call.

Not only were the block walls letting in water, but the walls themselves were bowing, leaving strings of cracks all along the basement’s surfaces. Looking closely at these pictures, we can see the damage.

Pushed into the craters of the wall, we can see evidence of efflorescence. This is all you need to see to know that water has been coming into space through the walls. Now the cracks, while minute, contribute to a much larger issue. Eventually, these small cracks could compromise the entire home’s stability. To combat this issue, our Design Specialist prescribed a few products for the home’s basement.

To capture the water creeping through the walls, we installed WaterGuard, a piping system that is hidden beneath the cement of the basement floor, made level and is recovered with cement. The WaterGuard is then connected to a sump pump, our patented SuperSump Plus, and it deals with pumping the water out of the piping and away from the home. The discharge lines are also well protected with Iceguard, a fitting that goes outside the home and automatically ejects the water away from the exterior wall in the event that the pipe freezes.

To stop the cracking of the walls, we also installed Carbon Armor Fiber Strips. They are a material that is sealed to the walls to prevent further bowing. It’s less obtrusive than other methods and can be concealed with simple paint or drywall.

Altogether, the basement is in much better shape now.

Asheville, NC Basement Requires WaterGuard, SuperSump Plus and CarbonArmor - Photo 1Asheville, NC Basement Requires WaterGuard, SuperSump Plus and CarbonArmor - Photo 2Asheville, NC Basement Requires WaterGuard, SuperSump Plus and CarbonArmor - Photo 3Asheville, NC Basement Requires WaterGuard, SuperSump Plus and CarbonArmor - Photo 4
Asheville, NC Crawlspace Receives CleanSpace and Aprilaire 1850 Dehumidifier

Gravel, regardless of the stone used, is no real barrier. People often think that when they have a dirt crawlspace, the best course of action is to cover the dirt with rock. And, honestly, it does make the place look better. But a crawlspace isn’t a dirt road. It’s a part of your home. Every bit of moisture the dirt allows to pass into the space fills the air and worsens the humidity. A high humidity level causes several things to happen to your home. The doors stick and swell. The carpets become damp and smelly. The floors buckle and you invite dust mites right into your home. Again, the gravel covering the dirt floor does nothing to stop this because it cannot prevent the water vapor from rising out of the dirt. It’s that simple.

Asheville, North Carolina homeowners experienced this predicament first-hand with their crawlspace. They’d gone with a dirt floor—which was the first mistake. Moreover, they also had open vents in the space. These vents not only allowed outside air to travel into the crawlspace, but they also allowed the moisture ridden, crawlspace air to travel throughout the home and causes they issues listed above.

The insulation did nothing either. It only became a victim of the moisture filled air. Something had to be done, the owners realized. Eventually, after a brief internet search, they found All-Dry of the Carolinas.

We were able to set them up with a free estimate and have our Design Specialist, David Listovitch, meet them at the home. He concluded that the crawlspace needed a few products to rid it of the moisture. Our crew installed our CleanSpace liner, an EverLast Door, an Aprilaire 1850 dehumidifier, wrapped the piers with the liner, and removed that moisture filled, useless insulation.

After our crew was finished, their crawlspace was unrecognizable, but, most importantly, it was moisture free.

Asheville, NC Crawlspace Receives CleanSpace and Aprilaire 1850 Dehumidifier - Photo 1Asheville, NC Crawlspace Receives CleanSpace and Aprilaire 1850 Dehumidifier - Photo 2Asheville, NC Crawlspace Receives CleanSpace and Aprilaire 1850 Dehumidifier - Photo 3Asheville, NC Crawlspace Receives CleanSpace and Aprilaire 1850 Dehumidifier - Photo 4Asheville, NC Crawlspace Receives CleanSpace and Aprilaire 1850 Dehumidifier - Photo 5
Candler, NC Crawlspace Experiencing Water Intrusion Issues Must Have Encapsulation

Vapor barriers are not real barriers unless they can actually protect your home from the earth. Believe it or not, having your home exposed to earth can set it up for a plethora of issues. For example, water vapor can rise from the earth and disrupt the moisture level in the crawlspace and bring mold into the upstairs area. This is made worse by a deteriorating vapor barrier that was never quite capable of doing the job in the first place. That’s what we have here in this Candler, North Carolina crawlspace. This crawlspace still saw a large amount of water intrusion on a daily basis. Whether the water came from the walls or the earth, it never ceased to be a huge problem.

Calling in All-Dry of the Carolinas turned out to be just what the doctor ordered. Design Specialist, David Listovitch, reviewed every inch of the home and crawlspace and came away with the best solution. The crawlspace would need to be encapsulated. This would mean taking our patented CleanSpace liner and installing it all along the floor and wall. All interior vents in the crawlspace needed to be sealed and an Aprilaire 1850 dehumidifier installed. Among other things, this would complete the total encapsulation in the crawlspace and lead to a healthier environment for the home.

Candler, NC Crawlspace Experiencing Water Intrusion Issues Must Have Encapsulation - Photo 1Candler, NC Crawlspace Experiencing Water Intrusion Issues Must Have Encapsulation - Photo 2Candler, NC Crawlspace Experiencing Water Intrusion Issues Must Have Encapsulation - Photo 3Candler, NC Crawlspace Experiencing Water Intrusion Issues Must Have Encapsulation - Photo 4
Fairview, NC Crawlspace Cured with CleanSpace and Encapsulation

Before dividing deep into any project, we like to collect information first. We do this by setting the owner up with one of our Design Specialists for a free estimate. The Specialist, of course, combs over the entire home—not just the problem areas. They do this to see if the water problems have gotten so great as to carry on into the rest of the home. This happens a lot.

For this particular Fairview, North Carolina home, we sent out Specialist David Listovitch to provide the quote. He allowed the owners some time to look over the proposal before discussing their next steps. It was decided that the space needed to have CleanSpace installed. This material would be placed and secured all over the dirt floor. While our CleanSpace is 20 mils thick, it must be completely sealed to prevent the water vapor escaping into the air and adding more to the humidity. All vents would be completely sealed during this process and a SuperSump Plus pump installed to capture water. Lastly, to rid the air of all humidity, a dehumidifier is installed. All of these pieces work together to waterproof the crawlspace and give peace of mind to the owners.

Fairview, NC Crawlspace Cured with CleanSpace and Encapsulation - Photo 1Fairview, NC Crawlspace Cured with CleanSpace and Encapsulation - Photo 2Fairview, NC Crawlspace Cured with CleanSpace and Encapsulation - Photo 3
Asheville, NC crawlspace gets CleanSpace and SmartJacks

All-Dry of the Carolinas focus on a variety of different issues, from water to foundation work, our team can take care of it all! In this case in Asheville, NC our team had to do a combination of both waterproofing and foundation repair. Water had begun to seep into the crawlspace and the owners were unable to locate the source of the water. On top of the water issue, the house had a foundation issue which needed to be resolved. In the before pictures you can see were the ground is covered in dirt and an old liner. There is clear foundation damage on the retaining wall in the crawlspace along with an obvious bulge.  

                Our team at All-Dry took several steps to take care of this home. First, the crawlspace was cleared of dirt and the old liner. Silver Glo Insulation was added to the walls to help work as a vapor barrier. Smart Jacks were then installed to give the floor joist a support to keep the home’s floors from sagging. Wall anchors were buried deep into the ground and then connected to the retaining wall as a source of support. Drainage matting was then put down over the crawlspace followed by CleanSpace. A remote alarm was then added to their sump pump which would alter the homeowners of any water entering the space. Overall, All-Dry did a wonderful job at fixing this home’s issues.

Asheville, NC crawlspace gets CleanSpace and SmartJacks - Photo 1Asheville, NC crawlspace gets CleanSpace and SmartJacks - Photo 2Asheville, NC crawlspace gets CleanSpace and SmartJacks - Photo 3Asheville, NC crawlspace gets CleanSpace and SmartJacks - Photo 4Asheville, NC crawlspace gets CleanSpace and SmartJacks - Photo 5Asheville, NC crawlspace gets CleanSpace and SmartJacks - Photo 6Asheville, NC crawlspace gets CleanSpace and SmartJacks - Photo 7
SuperSump and Cleanspace installed in Asheville, NC crawlspace

As you can see this crawlspace is covered in dirt and mud. Water was coming in through the walls, into the crawlspace and puddling in the floor. To resolve this issue All-Dry of the Carolinas cleaned out the space and added a SuperSump to pump water out of the crawlspace. Clean space was then placed over the crawlspace as a moisterguard.

SuperSump and Cleanspace installed in Asheville, NC crawlspace - Photo 1SuperSump and Cleanspace installed in Asheville, NC crawlspace - Photo 2
WaterGuard in Weaverville, NC basement

 This basement in Weaverville, NC was having water issues. Water would seep down the walls from ground level and puddle on the floors. These home owners did the right thing by calling All-Dry of the Carolinas. Our All-Dry crew was able to tackle this issue with three of our most used products: WaterGuard, CleanSpace, and the TripleSafe Pump.


WaterGuard was added around the perimeter of the basement. The WaterGuard system intercepts the water at the perimeter of the basement and drains it unseen and safely into the SuperSump Pump where it is then flushed from the basement. WaterGuard is different because it is designed to not sit in dirt like most draining systems do. There is a special wall flange that creates space between the floor and wall allowing wall seepage to drain through the WaterGuard while keeping it away from the dirt. Since this type of drainage is separated from dirt, the chances of it clogging are nearly impossible! The WaterGuard directs the water to the TripleSafe Pump where it is then flushed from the basement outside to the LawnScape outlet. All resulting in a dry basement!


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WaterGuard in Asheville, NC unfinished basement

This home in Asheville, NC was getting water in their basement which was resulting in the homeowners having to replace the floors every few months. They called us at All-Dry of the Carolinas to check out their issue. When our design specialist David Listovitch went to the home and recommended WaterGuard, a SuperSump Pump, and Ice Guard to solve their water issues.

WaterGuard in Asheville, NC unfinished basement - Photo 1WaterGuard in Asheville, NC unfinished basement - Photo 2WaterGuard in Asheville, NC unfinished basement - Photo 3WaterGuard in Asheville, NC unfinished basement - Photo 4
Encapsulation in Swannanoa, NC crawl space

This home in Swannanoa, NC was experiencing the smell of mold throughout the house. When our design specialist went out to check it out, he discovered that the crawlspace was covered in mold due to high moisture. To fix this problem our team at All-Dry of the Carolinas installed CleanSpace, a TripleSafe Pump, and Aprilaire 1820 to reduce the mold and moisture levels.

Encapsulation in Swannanoa, NC crawl space - Photo 1Encapsulation in Swannanoa, NC crawl space - Photo 2Encapsulation in Swannanoa, NC crawl space - Photo 3
WaterGuard installed in Asheville, NC Basement

This home in Asheville, NC was experiencing water getting into their basement. This was becoming a huge problem for the homeowners because the basement was being used as a storage space. The water would bubble up from the ground and come down the brick wall of the basement. Once the water started coming into the basement, moisture levels began to rise. This amount of moisture was getting in the air and starting to damage the items that they had in the basement.

            This started to become a big problem for the homeowners so they called us at All-Dry of the Carolinas and we sent out our design specialist, David Listovitch. David was able to give these homeowners some suggestions on how to waterproof this space. The homeowners decided to go with our company and have us install WaterGuard with a SuperSump pump to fix this problem.

            WaterGuard is the most effective and reliable way to solve wet basement problems permanently. This is a piping system that is made specifically for basement to resist cogging from the dirt under the floor. WaterGuard intercepts water at the perimeter of the basement and drains the water unseen into whichever sump pump is placed in the basement. WaterGuard is installed by jackhammering around the perimeter of the basement down to the footing and creating a trench for the WaterGuard to be placed in. The piping system has a 3/8 inch wall flange that is designed to be pushed against the wall to catch water that comes down the wall. Once the WaterGuard is in the trench it is covered with gravel to stabilize the drainage system and then covered with concrete to make it invisible. The WaterGuard is connected to the SuperSump pump at the lowest section of the basement; the SuperSump is also under the ground like the WaterGuard. The SuperSump Pump is one of the best pumps on the line and is able to pump up to 2,650 gallons of water an hour. It is also equipped with a Water Watch Alarm system that sounds off if water rises above the point of where the pump should turn on. The SuperSump pump then flushes out the water into the yard through the LawnScape outlet.

            Together with these products our All-Dry of the Carolinas team was able to make this basement dry again for the family. They could now use their basement as a storage space without fear of anything getting damaged.

WaterGuard installed in Asheville, NC Basement - Photo 1WaterGuard installed in Asheville, NC Basement - Photo 2WaterGuard installed in Asheville, NC Basement - Photo 3WaterGuard installed in Asheville, NC Basement - Photo 4
Waterproofing in Asheville, NC

This home in Asheville, NC was getting water in their basement/garage. Water would come from under the stone foundation and down the walls and flood the basement. The homeowners had tried to fix the problem on their own by adding a sump pump, but their pump was unable to meet the demands of keeping the basement dry. They called us at All-Dry of the Carolina and we had our design specialist David Listovitch, go out to the home to give a free estimate.

            When David got there he saw how the water was getting into the space and recommended to the homeowners our permanent interior waterproofing products that we offer here at All-Dry of the Carolinas. David suggested to the homeowners that they have WaterGuard, a SuperSump, CleanSpace Wall, and a dehumidifier added to the basement to help stop the water.

Waterproofing in Asheville, NC - Photo 1Waterproofing in Asheville, NC - Photo 2Waterproofing in Asheville, NC - Photo 3Waterproofing in Asheville, NC - Photo 4
CleanSpace in Arden, NC

Here at All-Dry of the Carolinas, we cannot speak enough about how great of a product CleanSpace is! It’s durable, reliable, and very convenient. Crawl spaces of all shapes and sizes are able to be fitted with CleanSpace to encapsulate the space. No matter what type of issues that you are having in the crawl space, if it involves moisture, us at All-Dry of the Carolinas are able to handle it.

            In most crawl space situations, moisture invades the air from the ground. Crawl spaces are usually victim of dampness and ground water due to hydrostatic pressure. Hydrostatic pressure is when ground water is forced down by gravity until it is stopped by some type of force, which in these cases is a basement or crawl space wall. The water is then forced against this object until it forces its way through or around. When water begins coming into your home from underground, it is typically a result of this pressure.

            It is almost impossible to completely stop this amount of water intrusion, but there are ways to prepare for it so it doesn’t affect your home. This home in Arden, NC was experiencing ground moisture due to hydrostatic pressure. The homeowners called us at All-Dry of the Carolinas to help them with their problem so we send out our design specialist, David Listovitch, to give the space a look.

            David noticed large amount of moisture in the crawl space that was affecting the home. To stop this issue, David recommended CleanSpace to keep the moisture from getting into the air. This is where the magic of CleanSpace comes in handy. This crawl space was oddly shaped, yet CleanSpace was able to wrap around all the walls, floors, and piers.

            In the pictures you can see how this product is very convenient in waterproofing crawl spaces and preventing ground moisture from damaging the house. Along with CleanSpace, this crawl space was equipped with a SmartSump pump and dehumidifier to protect the home from high moisture levels.

CleanSpace in Arden, NC - Photo 1CleanSpace in Arden, NC - Photo 2CleanSpace in Arden, NC - Photo 3CleanSpace in Arden, NC - Photo 4CleanSpace in Arden, NC - Photo 5CleanSpace in Arden, NC - Photo 6CleanSpace in Arden, NC - Photo 7CleanSpace in Arden, NC - Photo 8
Serving the following Buncombe County, NC zip codes
Asheville 28815, Asheville 28803, Asheville 28810, Asheville 28816, Asheville 28804, Asheville 28813, Asheville 28801, Asheville 28805, Asheville 28814, Asheville 28802, Asheville 28806, Candler 28715, Arden 28704, Leicester 28748, Swannanoa 28778, Alexander 28701, Black Mountain 28711, Barnardsville 28709, Weaverville 28787, Fairview 28730, Montreat 28757, Ridgecrest 28770, Enka 28728, Skyland 28776
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