Dehumidifier and Wet Floor
This basement was in pretty bad shape when our System Design Specialist first arrived at the home. The entire concrete pad to the right of the dehumidifier was soaked. The homeowner knew that there was an issue so they already had their own dehumidifier to help with some of the humidity.
Wet Basement Floor
Here is another photo showing off just how bad the water intrusion was. While there were definitely still some dry spots in the basement, a good portion of the concrete floor was saturated with water, which ended up causing some serious problems that will be shown off later.
Another Photo of the Wet Basement Floor
This photo gives a little bit wider view of the basement and the extent of the water intrusion. The homeowner was extremely happy and ready to have our crew get out to the home and take care of this issue.
Wet, Damaged Concrete Removed
This homeowner had decided that because of the extent of damage to the floor, that it was going to have to be replaced. While this was unfortunate, it actually ended up working out for both the homeowner and our company. Since we remove some concrete along the wall during WaterGuard installation, we were able to bypass this since they were going to replace the concrete pad anyways.
Installed WaterGuard in Basement
The WaterGuard that our crew installed can be seen along the left side of the of the wall. WaterGuard is usually installed by removing the concrete nearest to the wall and installing the WaterGuard. Since the concrete was going to be replaced anyways, we were able to put the WaterGuard without having to remove and replace the concrete.
Close Up of the WaterGuard Drain
This picture shows a close up of the area where we installed our drain. The WaterGuard is the gray plastic piece that is along the back wall in the photo. When installed, it leaves a small gap between the floor and wall for water to be able to get into. We also have gravel to promote the movement of the water.
Sump Pump Discharge from Home
This is another important part of the system that our crew installed. It may be difficult to see, but this is actually the discharge line for the sump pump. There is a little bit of PVC pipe coming out from the home, which was then taking under ground, and the water will discharge will come out of the LawnScape Outlet where our crew member is pointing with his foot.