First Look at Walk-Out Basement
This homeowner was getting water into their walk-out basement during heavy rains. The back wall gives a clear indication of this. There are water stains at least three to four feet up the wall, meaning that quite a bit of water was able to get in this crawlspace.
More Water Intrusion Through Wall
Here is another area in the basement where water has soaked through the walls. While not as widespread as the last photo, the corner in this photo does have some signs of water intrusion. This was definitely an issue that this homeowner needed to have taken care of.
Another Area in the Basement Water Stains
Here is another area in the basement that was having water coming through the walls. While the problem became much more obvious when it rained, water was still able to soak in and cause the moisture level of the basement to rise.
Installed TrenchDrain in Garage
TrenchDrain is another one of our products that has a specific purpose and ties in with the rest of the system to ensure that the area no longer has water intrusion issues. TrenchDrain goes along in front of the garage door so that any water that gets past the garage door gets caught and drained to the sump pump.
Installed CleanSpace Liner and WaterGuard
Here is what the basement looked like after our crew had installed the waterproofing system. In this particular photo the main product that can be seen is the CleanSpace. The CleanSpace was installed to catch the water that was making its way through wall and drain it down to the WaterGuard.
More of the TrenchDrain
This gives a pretty good look at the installed TrenchDrain in this walk-out basement/garage. The TrenchDrain spans the entire front of the garage area in order to make sure that any water that does make it inside the basement is quickly taken care.
Close Up of the Trench Drain
TrenchDrain is great for areas that are close to doors or other entrances, because it has a lot more area for water to get into the drain. This way water is less likely the make it into the basement and stay there.
More of the Installed Waterproofing System
Here is a little wider view of the system that was installed in this basement. In order to provide proper drainage for this area the drain crossed over to the sump pump that was installed more towards the middle of this area. This sump system is able to handle over 6,000 gallons of water per hour.
Installed WaterGuard and Dehumidifier Drain Line
Here is a close up of the WaterGuard that was installed. This picture gives a pretty good look at how our system works. The CleanSpace is run all the way to the bottom of the wall, and the WaterGuard leaves a space between the floor and wall for the water to get in and to the WaterGuard. The drain line for the dehumidifier can also be seen towards the top of the photo.
Installed TripleSafe Sump System and UltraSump Back Up
This is a very important part of this system and is what actually gets the water out of the basement. The TripleSafe with the UltraSump has a total of three pumps. Two are powered traditionally, but there is also a pump that runs of of power from the UltraSump battery.
Drainage Lines for TripleSafe Sump System
Our System Design Specialists and crew both work to make our system as out of the way and out of sight as possible. Our crew was able to make this happen with the two drain lines from the TripleSafe. They took the lines up towards the ceiling and over to the wall for the water to be discharged.
Dehumidifier with Duct Kits
Duct kits can be an important part of the installation of a dehumidifier. This is especially important with a finished basement, where the dehumidifier is hidden, or with an area that has several rooms. The latter was the case in this home. The homeowner wanted to make sure that the the entire area was dehumidified.