Basement Before WaterGuard Installation
While this may not seem too bad, there are a few signs of water intrusion through the walls of this basement. One sign of water intrusion is the darker color around the bottom of the walls, indicating that was has gotten into the basement. The even bigger sign is all of the efflorescence around the bottom four rows of blocks. This indicates that water has been soaking through these bricks and when the water evaporates it leaves behind minerals.
Installed WaterGuard Drain
This is one of the main parts of the waterproofing system that was installed in this basement. The WaterGuard drain is installed around the perimeter of the affected areas (sometimes the whole basement). WaterGuard leaves a small gap between the floor and wall, which allows water to get into the drain.
Close Up of the Installed WaterGuard
This photo gives a closer view of the WaterGuard that was installed in the basement of this home. While this doesn't give a great view of the gap that is left between the floor and wall, in the bottom left corner of the photo, some of the gap can be seen. This is an important part of the WaterGuard design, because it allows an area for the water to go without being too noticeable.
WaterGuard Near Doorway
WaterGuard is an extremely low-profile waterproofing system that is hardly noticeable unless under closer inspection. It is a tried and true system that has been installed in thousands of homes, just by us, not to mention the hundreds of other dealers that also use the WaterGuard drain system.
WaterGuard Works in Corners Too!
This corner looks like it has been hit particularly hard by the water intrusion. However the homeowner doesn't have to worry about any more water sticking around this area and doing more damage. The gap that the WaterGuard leaves continues around the corner so that no water has any chance to stick around.
Installed SuperSump Pump System
Here is the sump pump system that actually pumps out all of the water that is collected by the WaterGuard. This is an extremely important part of the system, because without it the water would be collected, but just sit there. The water would evaporate back into the basement and the same (or worse) problems would start to occur.