Cracks on Back Wall of Home
One of the main cracks that our Specialist noticed was the one around the black vent. It begins from the top left of the vent and continues under the vent. While this may not seem like a big deal, if not taken care of this issue could continue to get worse, causing even further damage.

Crack From Inside of Crawlspace
Here is one of the cracks that our Design Specialist had noticed while inspecting the crawlspace of the home. This crack had also been on the back part of the home, which reassured our Specialist and the homeowner that the main area that was dealing with foundation problems was the backside of the home.

Another Crack by the Crawlspace Entrance
Here is another picture from inside the crawlspace that shows off some of the cracks from the sinking foundation. There is some small horizontal cracks in the center of the photo, but another area to pay attention to are the top two blocks that are completely separated from each other.

Push Pier from Above
This is a photo of one of the push piers that was installed for this project. Since the affected area was under the porch, a few boards needed to be temporarily removed in order install the push piers. After our crew left, the boards went right back where they had been and nothing seemed any different!

Another Installed Push Pier
Here is another one of the push piers that were installed on the back side of the home in order to lift it. The foundation of this home had been sinking because of settlement around the home. The soil is not packed tight and over time is begins to compact and sink lower, causing the home to shift.

Installed Push Piers During Lifting
This photo was taken while our crew was in the process of lifting the home and transferring it to a stable foundation. The push piers are installed equidistant apart in order to distribute the weight of the home more evenly across the piers.

Cracks During Lifting of the Home
Here is another one of the cracks in the foundation that of the home. Our crew identifies where the cracks are before installing the push piers and puts a flat piece of tape over them. This helps to give a visual to how much the cracks are actually coming together. Both pieces of tape have actually risen quite a bit, indicating that some lifting has already been done.

Area After Push Pier Installation
Here is one of the areas where the crew had installed a push pier. One of the main goals of our crew is to take care of the issue at hand AND do their very best to make it seem as though we were never there. As this photo shows, the area where the push pier is looks almost completely undisturbed.