Installed CleanSpace Wall
This job was done in a couple parts, and this was the first part of installation. This included installing the CleanSpace on the crawlspace walls, as well as laying down the Waterguard.

Old Crawlspace Liner
Here was the homeowner's old crawlspace liner. While this liner gives a little protection, it provides more of an aesthetic benefit more than functional. Since whoever installed this didn't seal the liner to the wall correctly, it is almost useless as a vapor barrier.

Another view of old crawlspace liner
Here is a "before" picture of this area. It has the old crawlspace liner "installed". There is dirt and debris all over the top of this liner, which is usually caused by water picking up particles and leaving them there once the water has evaporated.

More Installed CleanSpace and Waterguard
This is more of the "after" picture of the last photo. It is the same area (plus or minus a few feet), but looks much different. The old liner has been trashed, and the CleanSpace wall and Waterguard have been installed properly. The CleanSpace wall drains water down to the Waterguard, which then runs to a sump pump, where the water gets pumped out away from the home.

Installed CleanSpace in Crawlspace
Here is a great view of the installed CleanSpace liner on the ground. It covers the entire floor and walls, creating a tight, sealed barrier that separates the crawlspace from the earth below it.

Sealed CleanSpace Liner
Our crew seals EVERYTHING! Even this small ledge around this concrete slab was sealed. We do this because for our system to be effective, the entire system has to be sealed up to the best of our abilities.

Installed CleanSpace Liner
Another wide view of the installed CleanSpace. It is laid out tight to both the floors and the walls, so that the homeowner (or anyone else under the crawlspace) has to worry about pulling part of the CleanSpace down and compromising the integrity of the system.