Sagging/falling insulation
A photo of how the moisture under the home has weighed down the insulation, making it sag and fall.
After Installation of CleanSpace Liner
This is an example of what CleanSpace looks like after installed.
After Installation of CleanSpace Liner
Another view of the installed CleanSpace Liner. We are able to go around pipes and support pillars.
The Finished Project
This shows the finished crawlspace, while you can only see the CleanSpace liner, there are actually a couple more products hidden in the picture. There is drain tile under the CleanSpace on the ground, and there is our SilverGlo Insulation on the wall.
Another Photo of the Falling insulation
This photo shows the condition of the crawlspace before our crew began working. As you can see, the insulation is sagging/has fallen because of how much moisture was in the crawlspace.